The Obstacle...
Somewhere, there is a stone wall. And
at that wall there is a girl. Slumped
down and defeated at the bottom of
the wall because she can't get over it.
She bangs her fists on the wall until
they bruise. There's no way to go
around the wall and getting through it
is even more impossible. It can't be
done. It's huge and impenetrable and
a million miles long. The wall is so
confusing. It's riddled with perplexities
and the girl is dumfounded and
defeated and exhausted. You can't
go back after you've reached the
wall. The only way the girl can move
forward is to jump over the wall or
walk the million mile perimeter. But, it's
so impossibly high. Setting off on the
journey to go around the wall seems
unthinkable. It's so far. It's going to be
strenous and difficult and the girl will
be alone. This is her struggle.
When the girl finally arrives on the
other side of the wall, she realizes that,
while it is still very tall, the wall is only a
few feet wide. She was blinded by her
own doubt and feels she wasted all
that time sobbing at the foot of the
wall. Until, she sees the triumph in her
heart reflected on the faces of those
who were standing beside her at the
wall all that time. Now, and only now,
is she aware of those who kept silent
watch over her at the wall in her
darkest, most hopeless hours. These
are the ones who gave her the
courage to take the first step on the
journey around the stone wall. The
stone wall is fear and doubt. And it
blinds you to what lives inside. It
makes you feel lonely when really,
you're not even alone.