From Here to There
An Ambitious Adventure in Life, Style, and Everything in Between
Holy Hiatus!
February 24, 2011
Okay, life is literally insane! That was a long break from blogging that made me very sad! I am actually up writing this right now after only like 5 hours of sleep but I am currently suffering from a bout of insomnia so here goes….
In other news, here’s a little of what I have been up to: I ordered my cap and gown! Holy Shiz! That means I am graduating from college soon! What?!?! Nonsense…..this is like Chinese to me when I think about it, hard to understand. I’m old…it’s official.
Also, I finished my senior documentary which I think I did mention before but also was privileged enough to be honored for it by the non-profit organization I created it for, which was such a blessing. Art With a Heart is a fantastic organization that encourages creativity in children with life threatening diseases as a way to express themselves. I can’t think of any more worthy cause. These kids don’t have any choices. When they’re told they have cancer, everything happens in a flash. They’re admitted into the hospital, undergoing surgeries and receiving medications with names they can’t even pronounce. AWAH brings back some of that freedom and independence and helps them to be kids again. Anyway, if you read this blog please check out the documentary and its press release at the following link!
So, I still have more to say about my mountain vaca! Here are some photos of my outfit and what a BLAST we had. I am committed to taking 2 more fresh outfit photos this week!
Peace and Love!
Song of the Day-“Cosmic Love” Florence + The Machine
:) So glad you had fun!!! Love this blog & can't wait to see what your future holds! I'll be right by you the whole time! (from a few hundred miles away!)