
It's Almost Time to Go.....

From Here to There

An Ambitious Adventure in Life, Style, and Everything in Between

It’s Almost Time to Go…..

March 29, 2011

Sooo…..I’m getting really nervous about this whole job search. I have so many dreams and aspirations and I just don’t know where to begin. Every alley seems like a complicated application process with thousands of other applicants. It’s so frustrating! I wish that I could just meet with people in interviews because (not to sound smug) I KNOW that if they could see me and know my personality and feel the weight of my passion, I’d be in the running without a doubt.

I can’t believe I am graduating from college in less than a month. It doesn’t even make sense! Time really does fly and that is sort of sad. I get really sappy about it. I’ve always had a healthy nostalgia about things like this….

On the one hand, it’s a very poignant life moment and difficult to stomach in some ways. I am the youngest of my parents’ three children and now….we’re all done. My brother and sister and I are all as grown up as grown ups can be…and that’s…well...sad. I have always been an old soul, just a little different than everyone my age and this has become even more pronounced as I grow older. But, at the very same time, I have always possessed a quality of whimsy. I can be impulsive and I have dreams of seeing the world and I still believe in magic and fairytales and dreams come true. So, I feel like a kid entering this big ‘ol world and….I don’t know if I’m ready for it.

But then on the other hand, I have been so incredibly blessed with experiences that have prepared me for this journey as well as one can be prepared; and bestowed with gifts of talents and passions and an unrivaled drive. I have the most supportive family and friends in the universe and when I look at it like this I feel like a person entering this world and…..I don’t know if it’s ready for me. J

Song of the Day- “All I Wanted Was You” Paramore


  1. Shannon, If there is one thing I KNOW without any doubt whatsoever, it is that you are ready for whatever comes your way and anyone or anything that gets in your way had better watch out! You have done amazing things while you've been in college and doors are going to be opening up for you...so many that you will have trouble choosing which one to walk through! But, I have no doubt you will know which one is right for you and will have great success with your choices. I am so very proud of you and love you so much, my baby girl. <3 <3

    Get ready world - Shannon is coming your way and will be leaving her mark wherever she goes!! and what a beautiful mark it will be!!

  2. you have a great mom :) I'm sure you'll find your amazing place in the world!!
