From Here to There
An Ambitious Adventure in Life, Style, and Everything in Between
An Inspiration for the Ages…
October 30, 2010
But, if I’m being honest, my life never seems to take on humdrum qualities from day to day. The past two years have basically been an emotional roller coaster ride! (I know that metaphor is usually overused in very clichéd instances, but I can’t think of a single better way to describe these years…)
So, I’ll be hitting the ground running first thing next week. I start my documentary for the Art With a Heart organization, which excites me more than you could imagine! I can’t wait to take what I’ve learned here at the conference and use it to make my piece all the better. If you haven’t heard of this organization, puh-lease go to their web site and check it out! These artists are crazy good people with huge hearts! I love them already.
Not to mention, I have only three weeks of rehearsals to get ready for the open of Little Women at the Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre, in which I will be playing Beth. :) I’m pretty stoked about this as well….I wasn’t sure about auditioning when I first heard about it but I am SO glad that I did because I had forgotten how great the book is and the play is so timeless and funny and happy and sad and everything you could want out of a show!
Oh, there’s also that small endeavor I like to call being a college student (and an intern.) I have other classes as well and honestly I’m not 100% sure how I am going to jam everything in, but I know I’ll make it work. Power through…and take a deep breath. That’s my mantra.
I’m super thankful for everything that I am a part of and so grateful to be in this remarkable place right now to better myself as a professional journalist and a human being. In the spirit of that, I leave you with some great photos from my adventures in Louisville thus far! I hope to keep updating throughout the conference…….and maybe actually talk a little bit about the classes next time! Ha!
Song of the Day- “ Home ” Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros
Overlooking the Ohio River Into Indiana..
Home of the Mint Julep and the Kentucky Derby
Also home to some of the coolest bike racks around town!!
Modern Art Museum
Baseball Heaven!